Industrial Utility Efficiency

System Assessments

Operating the vacuum system at higher levels (then necessary) affects the needed volumetric flow to compensate for leaks. This required compensation of volume (ACFM) must be added to the nominal production flow demand. The ambient air leak into the system will expand to the highest vacuum level, which is known as the “Expansion Ratio.”

pdblowers Soars in Aerospace Vacuum System Installation

The aerospace division of a large industrial manufacturer, uses a large altitude simulation chamber to test aircraft parts at different atmospheric conditions. It was based on this application, that the pdblowers team created what the facility needed: a multi-stage vacuum system that could manage varying mass flows at different vacuum levels.

Six Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Vacuum Pump

By following these summer-specific maintenance tips, you can help extend the lifespan of your vacuum pump, improve its performance and reduce the risk of costly repairs or replacements. Regular maintenance during the hot months not only keeps your equipment running smoothly, but also ensures it operates safely and efficiently under challenging conditions.

Calculating Aeration Piping Friction Loss

In order to properly identify the performance requirements of a blower it is necessary to identify the inlet and discharge pressures. The friction losses in the inlet and discharge piping must be calculated to determine the total pressure requirement. This article details a simplified procedure for calculating piping losses.

VFDs Improve Multistage Blower Performance

Many designers and operators believe that multistage centrifugal blowers are not suitable for variable speed control. They also feel that multistage centrifugal blowers are an inefficient option for wastewater aeration. Implementing VFD control of their aeration blowers allowed the plant to improve energy efficiency. The reduction in energy expense paid for the system upgrade in less than two years.

When to Repair vs. Replace Your Vacuum Pump: A Guide

If your vacuum pump is malfunctioning, you are faced with a choice: repair or replacement. Our guide will take you through both options and provide recommendations on when it makes sense to repair vacuum pumps and when to replace them. We will also take a look at how to spot and diagnose common issues before they lead to system failure.
Whatever the path of action, the decision to repair or replace always begins with testing and diagnosis. A factory-trained service technician who specializes in vacuum pump services inspects the equipment and identifies the problem.

The Future of Vacuum Automation for AMRs and AGVs

Autonomous Mobile Robots and Automated Guided Vehicles can automate receiving and unloading, picking, stacking, storing and even inventory management. However, there are challenges to powering these vehicles and their attachments. Because they are smaller and lighter, the size of components and the power they need to operate matters. Most AMRs and AGVs are battery operated, so it’s important to balance the need for high efficiency with also providing high levels of torque.

Six Steps to a Tailor-Made Vacuum Solution

Building a vacuum system solution is always a joint undertaking. Each solution aims to be compliant with location regulations, as well as to be reliable, energy-saving, sustainable and economical. An essential part of the process is including the customer and their requests during the planning process. There are six steps to find the optimum vacuum solution for the respective application.

Design Tips for Aeration Blower Rooms

Supplying air to process equipment necessitates a system approach. Selecting the blowers is a critical design step, but far from the final one. The layout of the blower room and ancillary equipment is just as critical to project success as the blowers themselves.

Hygienic Vacuum Packaging for Cheese

Vacuum and protective gas both reduce the activity of oxygen-dependent microorganisms inside the packaging. This way, vacuum-packaged foodstuffs have a longer shelf life, even without preservatives. There are different types of vacuum packaging. When it comes to cheese, the type of vacuum packaging depends heavily on the specific type of cheese.

New Vacuum Solution Ensures Safe & Sustainable Tires at Continental

The new solution also saves close to 90 percent of the annual maintenance costs. The side channel blowers required intensive repairs and were therefore a source of high costs. MINK MV claw vacuum pumps provide completely dry compression of intake air and thus work without operating fluids such as oil or water. This makes the vacuum pumps virtually maintenance-free. 

Blow-off Air

A metal producer, in the Midwest, spends an estimated $2.4 million annually on electricity to

Blower Controls

The capacity and pressure requirements of blowers in a Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) are


In open end pipe line suspension flow, or dilute phase pneumatic conveying, proper particle

Piping/Pressure Loss


In this article, we’ll discuss some of the uses for receiver tanks for positive pressure systems

Vacuum Controls

In the world of semiconductor manufacturing, it’s an understatement to say peak productivity and

Vacuum Generation

Autonomous Mobile Robots and Automated Guided Vehicles can automate receiving and unloading,